Our Vision

Our Vision
To learn, to grow and to live our faith by being the hands and voice of Jesus.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Family Groups!

Two weeks ago on Tuseday all the year 8s of 2012 had their first Family Group session! We started with introductions about our selves, and what we liked to do, then we told them what house colour we are, what number we are, and what room we go when we meet. The deputy really helped us with our job as they all offered to look after the younger kids, were really nice and friendly to the group, and were always happy to help. Then they went round the circle and introduced them selves, told us their interests, and who's room their in. After that, the teacher of the room that were in took a photo our our family group. At lunch we planned a spot to eat our lunch together, they went to get their lunch boxes and we all sat somewhere and ate lunch as a family group. Afterwards we played a game, we reeally enjoyed it,The family group leaders felt like they did a great job was were all really happy about how their group went. We were all quite nerveous but did our very best not to show it! Overall, we all loved family groups! And couldn't wait to lead the groups again!

Millie, Shay.

Friday, February 17, 2012

The Lord's Prayer

There has been some confusion over which version of the Our Father the children should be using. As the older version is the one now being used consistently at Mass, we have decided to use this version in our classrooms. Please encourage your children to use it at home as well.

Jesus -Who is Jesus to me? (Click on image to enlarge)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

R.E. Programme Term 1 (Click on right hand bottom corner of image to enlarge and view.)

Family Groups at St Joseph's School

Through its Catholic Character, the school provided a faith environment for students to experience Catholic life. Catholic schools follow and uphold the teachings of Jesus as found in the gospels. This Special Character is reflected in all we do and specifically in the family group structure established at our school. With children from every class represented in each family group and led by a Year 8 student, children are taught to show each other the caring response modeled by Christ himself. Children off support for each other as well as demonstrate respect, generosity and compassion, three of our virtues. The school sees the family groups as invaluable for giving children the opportunity to develop these virtues as well as creating an environment where children know each other and care for each other.
This year our family groups will meet every week on a Wednesday morning for Prayer and reflection on the current virtue. This will be led by our Year 8 Family Group leaders. The success of individual Family Groups depends on their leadership and it is a great vehicle for developing student leadership in our school. Family group leaders will be participating in an induction day on 13th February where they will receive support and tuition on how to carry out this role. Last Friday the family groups met for the first time, and after introducing each other, they created family group prayers . This was followed by a whole school liturgy asking God's blessing on our groups and their leaders. As well as family group prayers, children will come together at other times during the term for various activities, including the celebration of St Joseph's Day.