This year our Lenten effort was “Walk the Pacific”.
Children participated in a
sponsored walk on March 27th and earned money for each lap of the 200m course that they
completed. The event was run in our school grounds and children were
arranged in their family groups, with family group leaders responsible for
setting up the “Island” theme in their area. Children brought a small plate
to share with their group and they wore their “island holiday” clothes.
Children completed laps of the circuit, with each group required to have at
least three children walking at one time. Children carrying their sponsor card had it stamped on the back at the completion of each lap. At the
completion of the event family group leaders recorded the number of
completed laps on each child’s card. Children then brought the card home in
order to collect sponsorship money.
Parents and family members were invited to school to watch
this event and to walk with their children.
The total amount of money raised was amazing-$4318! This money will be sent to the Catholic Aid Organsation, Caritas and will support their work in Tonga and Papua New Guinea.
Click here to see a Youtube clip of this amazing day.