Our Vision

Our Vision
To learn, to grow and to live our faith by being the hands and voice of Jesus.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

End of the Year of Faith

We  gathered on November 22nd to acknowledge the end of the Year of Father called by Pope Benedict XVI.  We gave thanks for the blessings of this year.  We had spent time learning more about the traditions and beliefs of the Catholic faith.  It has been a time to discover the journey of our own faith and experience with renewed joy and enthusiasm our encounter with Christ Jesus.  Having faith means choosing to stand with the Lord so as to live with him.  
To mark the end of the Year of Faith each class studied one person who was an example of a Person of Faith. These are people who let their light shine –surely and strongly. For lots of people in history (and even some today) showing faith and letting their light shine has meant that they are ridiculed and even punished. Light shines when we follow the Gospel values. Each class  presented one of these people of Faith.

Filipino Appeal and Liturgy

In Week 7  our school held an appeal which raised $400 for the people of the Philippines affected by typhoon Haiyan. This was followed by a whole school liturgy where our senior Filipino students sang a very emotional National Anthem. While fortunate that our Filipino families suffered no losses of family members they are of course deeply affected by the tragedy in their homeland,
and we remember them in our prayers.

Young Vinnies

Like all St Vincent de Paul Societies throughout the world, the mission of Young Vinnies at St Joseph's School Ashburton is to help those in need. Joining the Young Vinnies is an important way to carry out our vision of being the 'Hands and Voice of Jesus'. This year the group has been run by Miss Kickhefer and Mrs Kitchen. 49 children have belonged to our group and in Term 1,2 and 3, the Young Vinnies regularly visited two rest homes.
The Group demonstrates that there are young people who truly care in our community and strive to make a difference.The Young Vinnies Group is known for its caring and giving attitude.  The students give of their own time and energy and they learn the joy of giving and expect nothing in return.
In Term 4 the Young Vinnies worked on two projects. The first was a toy sale and mufti day and the second was a Movie lunchtime and sausage sizzle. Both were highly successful due to the commitment of the children involved. The amount raised was $846. Well done.

Term 4 Virtue

Grandparents Day

Grand parents day Liturgy and Family Group Fun Afternoon .
On the 23rd of October Grandparents and other members of our Parish community were invited for a liturgy in the playground. The Family groups then participated in games and activities.Here are some of the photos of this fun day.